
New Year Traditions in Different Countries

The New Year is shrouded in many interesting legends, fairy tales, and traditions. But each country has its own special and unique traditions, as each region has its own history. In this article, we will look at various traditions of different countries that you probably didn’t know anything about. Well, if you still don’t have a New Year’s mood, then play best online casino games in Canada.

Traditions and Features of the Holiday

The New Year traditions of German residents have a lot in common and are familiar to us. However, there is one interesting feature: the Germans celebrate the New Year by “jumping” into it. As soon as the chimes begin, everyone, young and old, jumps on chairs and, when the chimes strike for the last time, cheerfully jumps down.

In Canada, everyone who wants to be healthy and strong in the new year will have to go through a ritual of bathing in an ice hole on New Year’s Eve.

Residents of Argentina are busy with a very important thing all day on December 31: they throw out all the unnecessary papers, documents and checks that have accumulated over the past year right out of the windows. So by lunchtime, sidewalks and roads turn into paper drifts. Of course, later all this is cleaned up and the streets are put in order.

In Brazil, the New Year is hot and sunny, so here it is celebrated in swimsuits and at sea. According to one of the traditions, it is customary to present gifts to the local goddess in the form of flowers and candles in small wooden boats. The gifts are carefully lowered into the water. All this beauty floating on the sea is an impressive and fascinating sight.

If in Peru 5 minutes before the New Year you see people running with huge suitcases – do not be surprised and do not panic. Here they believe that anyone who has time to run around the whole block with a suitcase in 5 minutes and returns home by midnight will definitely travel a lot in the new year.

Chinese residents celebrate the New Year in late February – early March. They love to launch sky lanterns on New Year’s Eve because they believe: so the path to the new year will be brighter, and the year itself will be brighter. And the Chinese prefer to scare away evil spirits and evil spirits with the help of firecrackers and fireworks.

If a child congratulates you on the New Year in Cameroon — you must definitely give him a coin, this is the tradition. And since children try very hard and do not miss a single opportunity to congratulate everyone, some adults simply prefer not to leave the house on the eve of the New Year.

In Australia, Santa Claus prefers to travel not across the sky on magic reindeer, but on the water on a surfboard. It is not surprising, because in this country New Year’s holidays are celebrated without snow and frost.

These are such interesting traditions. Did you know about them?

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